Monday, September 19, 2011

5 YEAR family day anniversary!!!

This year, we were at the beach for Maggie's gotcha day anniversary, so we celebrated at Joe's Crab Shack with a giant steam pot of crab legs and shrimp and then Maggie and I split the s'mores dessert (that was ON a giant piece of chocolate cake).  Oh YUM.  Then we fed the nasty fish at Barefoot Landing, so all in all, a good day.  We also spent the day on the beach....aahhhhh!

celebrating 5 years as a family

 holy crap, this was good

then on the way home, Maggie put the armrest covers from her booster seat on her feet.  okay.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Gotcha Day! :o)

    What fun memories you are making. I think that slab of cake would have put me under the table. :oP

    And, the armrests? I'm thinking Lil and Maggie are twins somehow. Seriously. :shakes head:
