Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First tooth--GONE!

This morning, Maggie's tooth was hanging on by a thread, so David yanked it right out!  Oooh, Maggie was SO excited.

 Hello, bathroom shot.  Wow, this is a cheesy picture.  Good thing you can't see me in my pajamas and with bedhead in the mirror.  I believe it was taken at around 6:05 am.  Gross.

 My tooth is gone!

Oh my goodness!!!!

Now that it is night time, the excitement has worn off and I have been upstairs twice to dry tears and assure Maggie that the tooth fairy is not going to "get her."  There were additional tears because Maggie doesn't want the tooth fairy to take her tooth and she also can't suck her finger anymore.  I couldn't fix the finger problem but the tooth pillow is in our room now and I left a note for the tooth fairy in Maggie's room.  Oh, the drama.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Lily is insanely jealous. ;o)

    There is never a dull moment, huh? hee hee! We are a house of drama here as well. :oP I hope all is well once more. :o)
