Saturday, April 7, 2012

Catching up part 1 of a zillion

Thank goodness for spring break!  I have decided that I am going to get all caught up on my blog this week, so I can start blogging for real again.  (bwahahaha).   My first catch up post shall be Thanksgiving, although upon looking back at my pictures, they are all horrid and I don't know what happened to the good ones.  We went to my mom and dad's for TG this year, which was a change from the norm.  We usually stay home for Thanksgiving.  

 The Menfolk in their red plaid shirts with a photobomb by Maggie.  

  I am not sure what my niece and I were doing here...perhaps playing on Photobooth?

One night, we went down to see the lights at Callaway Gardens.  In previous years, we almost froze to death.  This year, it was bordering on balmy so we had a nice visit.  My dad even shelled out for s'mores cooked over a fire pit, which were quite tasty.  I am also reminded that my mom bought a GIANT bag of kettle corn as seen in the lower part of the picture and I believe we gorged ourselves as we rode through the gardens on the Jolly Trolley.  Okay, I have located some more pictures, however, David photo-documented every INCH of our drive through Callaway Gardens.  I'm not sharing those.

So, here's a scary picture of Maggie to round out my first catch up post!


  1. Yay! You're back!

  2. Btw- Random anonymous comment was from me. Leslie
